There are big time legal woes over the Watchmen movie. U.S. District Court Judge Gary Feess last week agreed with Fox that Warner Bros. had infringed its copyright by developing and shooting the film, scheduled for release March 6. Feess said Monday he plans to hold a trial Jan. 20 to decide remaining issues.
Fox believes they still own some rights to the film as they had during the late 1980s. Now that the film has been made by Warner Bros. Fox has demanded distribution rights. Warner's does not believe they have any legal claim and has stated that a settlement will not happen. If they don't get this, they're looking to suspend the opening of movie which was slated in March.
This is terrible news as who knows how long it will take to resolve this. The Watchmen film was shaping up to be a great film, and dare I say and dream...an extraordinary film just like the comics were. If you're a fan of this film, keep your fingers crosssed because this doesn't look like its going to be easily resolved.
Damn those Hollywood fat cats. They always can find a way to screw things up!
LOL. Fat cats! Can't live with 'em can't live without 'em in Hollywood. I hope someone with some sense can sort this out so we can see this potentially epic movie in march.
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