Here are three graphic novels from DC Comics that are Required Reading. These three novels are Epics. They are the most influential novels that literally changed the comic book world.
Kingdom Come - What happens when the children of our superheroes make their own rules? What happens when the world's governments want to take back control? Only a bitter Superman must come out of retirement to save the world...but whose world will he save? The world of the normal man or the world of the superheroes?
The Watchmen - The first main stream ultra raunchy and violent graphic novel. This is where the line between good and evil gets blurred this is where black and white ended and shades of gray becomes the new characterizations for characters.
Crisis on Infinite Earth - Without a doubt the most piviotal storyline in the history of the DC Universe. The scope of this maxi-series even spreads far beyond DC as it marked the official end to the Silver Age of Comic Books. This series is so influential that it prompted the Marvel Universe to start its own maxi-series that crossed over into their entire comic book line. This is the genesis of what we know today as the comic book "crossover" event.
Fifty years of DC Comics history came to a devastating end on its 5oth anniversary and a new universe was born, one that has struggled to survive for the last quarter century. More major comic book characters died in this series than any other comic book in history. Its more than just required reading, in comic book terms its holy grail of comic book epics.
I am reading Kingdom Come now. I will let you know what I think about it when I am done reading.
I read Kingdom Come. I will post my thoughts about the book. By the way, it was very good!
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