Smallville continues to be the only superhero series going strong on television today. No I'm not counting the struggling, boarderline and quite frankly pathetic Heroes on NBC. Smallville is actually bringing many of DC Comics' classic heroes to the small screen. Geoff Johns, DC's most popular writer is bringing the Legion of Superheroes to Smallville on Thursday, January 15th.
For years Smallville has been laughed at, scoffed and despised by many people for many different reasons. Too often using kryptonite in each episode as well as the dreaded love triangle between Clark, Lex and Lana. Thankfully with the departure of former producers Gough and Miles, the new producers have been able to shed the shackles of this beaten to death story arc in order to feature some of the most exciting characters of the DC Universe. For a show that has truly had many ups and downs over the last eight years it still remains a strongly rated show on Thursday nights.
The cast of characters that have appeared on the show includes Green Arrow, Aquaman, The Flash, Cyborg, Martian Manhunter, Black Canary, Maxima, Doomsday, Brainiac, Supergirl and now three Legion of Superheroes: Cosmic Boy, Lightening Lad and Saturn Girl. I know, not the most awesome of names but they're supposed to be teenagers. This version of the Legion depicts them as late teens and their superhero codenames probably won't be mentioned. This will be a great episode, which I hope will convince everyone involved with the show that a NINTH and more than likely final season needs to be ordered.
What if Smallville isn't renewed for next season? The producers have promised a heroic send off for Clark as he becomes the man we all know as Superman. As for spin offs, Aquaman and The Graysons have tried and failed in the past. Now, rumor has it, that a Martian Manhunter series can be created where DC's favorite martian will meet many more characters within its universe. I for one would love to see the small screen versions of Blue Beetle, Booster Gold (BOOSTER!!) and Guy Gardner. Check out the trailer for the Jan. 15th episode. Hey, its gotta be better than Heroes at this point right?
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