Earlier this week it was announced via Geoff John's blog that he was leaving the JSA comic book at issue #26. Although this is sad news as Johns has been a very intricate part of the JSA book since 1999, he will take this time to focus on his newest run on The Flash and the Darkest Night storyline.
I believe that wherever Johns goes so will his devoted fanbase...which includes myself. I can't wait to see what DC's top writer has in store for us. I for one will be looking forward to his Blackest Night Storyline!
To read all the news about his departure check out newsarama.com.
Are you serious that Johns is taking a stab at the Flash? Can anyone revitalize this abused and under achieving superhero?
i will be collecting flash books when johns starts to write.
I've never found the Flash to be that appealing. But John's is really talented and has even made some Superman stories lately very interesting. If anyone can bring life to The Flash its Johns. Besides, Johns is working on that big DC event coming in 2009 called In Blackest Night. I can't wait to read that, hopefully it'll take the bad taste out of my mouth that Final Crisis has left.
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