The picture above is of John Connor (Christian Bale) in the Terminator Factory. This movie is scheduled to be released on May 22, 2009 with a lot of high hopes. At first I said to myself oh no another Terminator movie. Shortly after finding out about another Terminator movie I quickly went to research. I have been saying since the first movie came out that Hollywood should make a movie about the war. The timing of this movie is perfect. The Sarah Connor Chronicles is airing now and it is a really good show. If you watch the young John Connor on the show and then watch the movie you will feel like you grew up with John.
There are three doubts and concerns that pose a threat to the performance of the movie. First, the writer John Brancato. John has written recent movies such as Primeval, Net 2.0 and Catwoman. The best movie in the mix was Primeval. I think Primeval wasn't even that good. Next concern are the supporting actors. Many of which are new and young. The really good actor I see is Bale. We will see Anton Yelchin's performance in both Terminator and Star Trek. Anton will play Pavel Chekov in the new Star Trek movie set to release on May 8, 2009. The third concern is Bale. Do not get me wrong, I think he is a good actor. The only thing is his personality might not fit the role of John Connor. John Connor has a personality of someone who is very sensitive and shows emotion about the human race. Bale plays lots of dark roles such as Batman, American Pyscho and Shaft.
I really want this movie to be good. I love the Terminator franchise. I am predicting this movie to be a 7.5 out of 10. With James Cameron as a co writer I am sure he will bring positive components to the movie.
Trailer #2
- djoliva

I'm looking forward to this movie too. Last I heard however is that James Cameron didn't give director Mc G his blessing for this fourth Terminator movie. Not really sure what that means. Maybe he thinks it'll be subpar like the decent but not fantastic T3? Well, if that's the case, then maybe the King of the World himself can get back in there and put the words back into the mouths of the characters he created nearly 25 years ago!
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