The new tv trailers came out for the Friday the 13th movie. I have to be honest that I think this movie will actually be pretty good, especially for a Friday the 13th movie. There has been many remakes and movies from the 80's. Most of them being really good such as Transformers. Here are a few reasons why I think the movie will do pretty good.
First, we have the main characters. Jared Padalecki is a decent actor. He stars in the show Supernatural. He knows how to act in a horror flick. Danielle Panabaker was nominated for the Best Young Artist award in 2006. She didn't win but just to be nominated means something special. Victor Miller is the writer wrote some of the original Friday the 13th movies. He has some good experience writing these type of movies. Michael Bay is the producer. He is really good and will definitely take the lead in this cast. He did such recent movies as Transformers and the Unborn. He is also working on a remake of A Nightmare On Elm Street movie which should be interesting.
Some cons are the directors and writers. None of the directors or writers with the exception of Victor Miller who wrote the original movies, have a whole lot of horror movie experience. There is also a short list of movies created by this team of writers and directors. I do not know how involved Victor Miller in this film. I hope he can set a good impression with the team of writers. The director is Marcus Nispel has more involved in direct music videos but did direct The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. He does have experience in the music industry so we will see how he will direct this movie.
I just have this feeling the actors and producer will make this movie. There does not have to be a lot of special effects. Acting will be key in this movie. I thought I would never say acting will make a horror/slasher movie. The video below is one of the recent tv trailers.
Djoliva's grade: B-
Djoliva's grade: B-
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