Terminator Salvation. Not sure what to think of this movie. I can tell already that since the powers that be want this to be a trilogy, this film is going to end in a big twist. There have already been some spoilers released about the film so beware when you surf the net. And btw, if this movie is a success then I hope James Cameron and Governor Arnold will finally give McG and crew some credit.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Release Date: May 1st. Ya know, when they first cast this unknown actor by the name of Hugh Jackman in the role of Wolverine nearly ten years ago, I really worried about that first X-Men movie. Now, all these years later, I can't see anyone else playing this role. If this movie is successful I can almost definitely expect more films to come.

Land of the Lost
Release Date: June 5th. Based on the 70s cartoon series. I vaguely remember this series but remember as being great fun. With Will Ferrell in the lead role here one thinks will this be a goofy comedy like most of his work or will there be some serious scary stuff happening in this.

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