Knowing is a pretty strange film. Its from Director Alex Proyas, a pretty strange director. Alex’s work includes The Crow, Dark City and I Robot. Very dark films with gloomy yet opimistic storytelling.
Knowing, I have to say, is one of the first movies in a while where I am absolutely and utterly speechless. I’m not sure what to make of this movie, and this is not a good thing. It is hauntingly depressing and morbid. I understand where they were going with this and maybe what I’m feeling now is exactly what they wanted me to feel. So in that case they succeeded. I just absolutely did not expect it to happen the way it did. I think this really could have been an awesome movie but its reduced to something with bad acting and a very thought provoking storyline and twist that just felt tacked on at the end.
I’m usually a big fan of scifi movies with awesome twist endings like this but its just too morbid. But again, Proyas probably wanted me to feel exactly as I do right now. Although that touch of hope is there at the end, I just feel like its too forced. Knowing is not a bad movie its just way too morbid in an era of society where “terror” has been too prevalient on our minds.
But this movie is timely as 2012 is approaching, a year prophesized to be plagued by a cataclysm. Some say solar flares could be something we need to watch out for, something that plays a pivotal role in this film. My only advice is, after watching Knowing, watch a comedy, it’ll put you in better spirits. Out of 10 I give Knowing a 6.5.
Now that I know the big secrets of Knowing I’ll have to watch it again sometime in order to take it in again and appreciate it for what it is, a very ambitious scifi cautionary tale. Now that I think about it, Knowing really feels like a longer Twilight Zone or Outer Limits episode.